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Beware of Online Only "Certification" Scams!

Free CPR Certification = #SHAMMYCPR

They’re everywhere on the Internet: seemingly legitimate organizations offering “instant” CPR or first aid certification for busy people who are required to hold current certification. And it often says right on those websites that online-only CPR or first aid certification is “nationally accepted“. It is not. No major nationally recognized training program in the United States endorses certification without practice and evaluation of hands-on skills. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) online training alone does not meet OSHA first aid and CPR training requirements.


~ A Public Service Announcement from the Health & Safety Institute and the National Safety Council

Remember the old saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is?" Well, it holds true for CPR instruction too. If you do a search for online CPR classes they are everywhere. Some common things to look for:


  • Online CPR cards, download instantly

  • Download your certification card right after finishing your course

  • No hands-on skills required

  • 100% online

  • Immediate certificate or wallet card

  • Have your card/be certified today

  • Nationally validated, nationally recognized (there is no nationally accrediting or governing body for emergency care training)

  • Full refund if not accepted


"Technically," some of these sites are not lying. If you just want the knowledge for your own personal satisfaction you can probably glean enough information from one of the "instant" online courses to be a tiny bit more informed than you were before you paid them, but you can also get the same information for free elsewhere online and on YouTube.


The catch comes when you are required to have a "real" certification by your employer or even a volunteer agency.

Check out our staff information page!

No scams from Eagle Education! Check out our instructors on our staff page.

Check out our staff information page!
Check out our staff information page!

"Recently, an employer reported receiving a course completion card that looks like the one below. This fillable PDF card is a form completed on a computer and is not a valid Laerdal or AHA Training Center course completion card. The American Heart Association's Authorized Training Centers will not send you an electronic course completion card that you fill in online. If you receive one of these, please report it to the AHA right away, along with any information you have about where it came from."


~ Click on the FAKE card for more fraud information from the American Heart Association

FAKE fill-in PDF ACLS card

Does the AHA issue eCards?


YES! They do! But only AFTER you complete all 3 steps ~ take the online portion, AND meet with an AHA instructor for skills practice and skills testing (within 60 days). Then the instructor will email a link to you to redeem your secure eCard. You and/or an employer will be able to verify your certification at:


Welcome to My Cards


Click on the eCard picture to the left for more detailed information. link link

CONTACT US if you have already taken Part 1 online and need to complete your skills portion.

We also do skills check-offs for most courses at our regularly scheduled monthly classes.

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